Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Theocracy at rise in modern Israel

Theocracy is on the rise in Israel. On Tuesday 28th of June 2011 PM Benyamin Netanyahu has publicly taken side in this deeply significant rift in the society emphasizing the equality of all in front of the laws of modern Stateo of Israel.

Chief Rabbi Dov Lior represents ideas of genuine theocracy where divine Will is way above the rule of the earthly commissaires.

This reliance on the Torah is not only theoretical faith but has led to very concrete consequences also in the streets of Jerusalem these days. One of Israel's finest, soldier and statesman Yizhaq Rabin, rests in his tomb and there are other dead people who have stood on the way of the Reconquest of the Promised Land by the people of God.

So it is very important and shows remarkable courage, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu upholds the earhtly laws of the society against the divine Will as understood by Rabbi Dov Lior.

That very secular newspaper Haaretz reports on Wednesday June 29, 2011 Sivan 27, 5771:
"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to the arrest of Rabbi Dov Lior on Tuesday, saying that “Israel is a law-abiding state”. He added that “the law includes everyone and I call on all Israel’s citizens to uphold it.”
Lior was arrested, questioned, and released on Monday after refusing to appear for an inquiry for his endorsement of the controversial book, “Torat Hamelech”, which justifies killing non-Jews.
The tension between the rule of divine Law and the rule of secular law is deep and significant to the entire Jewish people, those living in Israel and those abroad in Diaspora.  And to some extent it is important also to those gojim marked as fair game for killing by some of the rabbis of Israel.

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